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Decentralized proposals

What is Decentralized Proposals?

Decentralized Proposals (DP) are using to create a proposal and vote for some OneLedger changes. After when required votes will be collected, user who proposed will receive some funds and rest will go to the blockchain in according to Genesis disctribution

What kind of proposals could be

Proposals could be general and code change. Here is a table with compare between two of them. All amounts in OLT.

Initial funding (capital)Funding goalPass (%)Deadline (hours)
Code change20000010000005148

TUTORIAL. How to create a proposal and vote

In this short tutorial we will show you how to create and vote for proposals. In order to create a proposal, you should have at least 5000 OLT and installed OneWallet.

Step 1. Creation of proposal

  1. Go to Ecosystem -> Apps section in OneWallet and click on Governance Proposals icon

  1. Click on plus sign to create a proposal

  1. Submit all required fields, provide your password for tx signature and submit

  1. After success, you will see notification mark, that transaction has been processed

  1. Refresh a page and you will see your proposal

Step 2. Voting on existing proposal

  1. Click on three dots under Actions column and click on fund button

  1. On a Funding proposal form, submit an amount, which you wants for voting and click on yes

  1. After success, you will see notification mark, that transaction has been processed

  1. Go back to the proposals app and you will see an updated amount for funding raise

Congratulations! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰ You have successfully proposed and voted for a new proposals!